Congregational Development

Perhaps the most foundational aspect of our ministry in the Central Atlantic is our passion for bringing local churches together to face their shared challenges. The bulk of our ongoing efforts fall into two categories: Communities of Support; and Networks. We provide other programming as well. For more information, please contact Rev. Craig Peterson at Here is a listing of our current offerings.

Communities of Support

Lay Worship Leaders

Given the shortage of authorized ministers, an increasing number of churches are calling upon lay people to lead worship. Some of these individuals have not had a chance to complete any training. With these situations in mind, the conference brings lay worship leaders together on the fourth Monday of each month from 7-8 PM (EST) on Zoom to share best practices, resources, and questions. The group also provides a safe space for lay worship leaders to process their experiences.

Local Search Committees

The process of finding a new pastor can be a daunting and isolating experience for those serving on a pastoral search committee. Twice a month our conference provides opportunities for members of local search committees to come together and share best practices, questions, and frustrations. The community of support meets on the second Saturday of each month from 9-10 AM (EST) and the fourth Sunday of each month from 7-8 PM (EST) on Zoom.

Retired Clergy

The process of moving from active ministry into retirement can be challenging. It can also be difficult for retired ministers to find opportunities to reconnect with their call after being out of ministry for several years. Our conference created a monthly community of support to bring our retired clergy together and talk about the challenges and joys they face in retirement. The group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 10-11 AM (EST) on Zoom.


Children & Youth Ministries Networks

We are in the early stages of creating conference-wide children & youth ministry networks. We are working with Practical Resources for Churches to offer a Children’s Ministry Lab. The Lab will help our local churches that lack a critical mass of children (and adult volunteers needed to work with the children) provide children’s programming two days a week. It will also provide teacher training opportunities that can equip local churches to build their own children’s program.

The youth ministry network is in its formative stages. We are working to develop themes of mission and ministry that our local churches can live into in ways that fit their specific ministry context. Several of our churches, for instance, are currently working to observe “Peace, Salaam, Shalom Weekend” the weekend of March 15-17, 2024. We are also working on a summer event to bring youth from our churches together.

ONA Network

Our conference has 65 churches that have declared themselves to be Open & Affirming Communities that welcome LGBTQIA+ individuals into the full life and ministry of their church. Some of these churches are located in communities where living out their commitment to inclusivity can be challenging. Other churches need encouragement to ensure they continue to walk their talk. On the last Thursday of each month from 7-8 p.m., individuals from ONA churches (and individuals from churches who are not ONA but are personally committed to inclusivity) gather on Zoom. Attendees share program ideas, resources, and what’s happening in their community.

Other Programming

Grant Writing

In the summer of 2023, the conference provided a three-session workshop on grant writing led by Lee Gagen, former Major Gifts Officer with the United Church of Christ. We have also created a closed Facebook group to encourage our churches to cooperate/collaborate on efforts to secure grants and expand the funding sources for their church. We hope to repeat the workshop in the spring/summer of 2024.


We have created a program called “Crossroads”. The program brings together local churches who are facing the decision to pursue either church revitalization or closure. The program consists of two parts. The first part is an eight-hour “Visioning, Strategic Planning & Implementation” workshop led by Jill White from Church Building & Loan Fund. Once the workshop concludes, the conference facilitates three additional sessions to help local churches put the workshop material into practice in areas like developing stewardship programs, crafting church budgets, and re-evaluating church programming.

If you would like further information on any of the Communities of Support or Networks – or would like the Zoom link to attend one of the gatherings – contact Rev. Craig Peterson, Associate Conference Minister for Congregational Development at